
Made or missed the shot of a lifetime? Share your shooting trips with everyone. Tell us about it. We won't laugh, honest!

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North Star
Posts: 138
Joined: Sat Sep 27, 2014 11:51 pm
Home club or Range: Saskatchewan Provincial Rifle Association (North Star Range), Regina Wildlife Association range.
Location: Regina, Saskatchewan


#1 Post by North Star »

Finally.......back on a thousand yard firing point!

I met my girlfriend who lives in Regina during covid, and after travelling backwards and forwards for 18 months, I finally relocated to Regina last August. I joined the Saskatchewan Provincial Rifle Association, who own the North Star range in Nokomis. It has the normal established firing points from 300 to 1000 yards, but if you wanted to shoot from the fence by the approach road, you would be shooting at 1600 yards!
Unfortunately, my friends in Winnipeg that had been shooting at the St Charles military range, have not been allowed back since the start of covid. Even though there was an act of parliament years ago, that let civilian rifle associations shoot on military ranges for free, they are now talking about charging the rifle associations $400 a day for range use. The whole thing has the stench of Trudeau about it!
Never take good advice, if you think you know better.
Peter Leigh
Posts: 50
Joined: Sat May 16, 2020 8:45 am
Home club or Range: chepstow Rifle Club
Location: South Wales

Re: Finally!

#2 Post by Peter Leigh »

My dad built a log cabin just outside turtleford where he lived during the depression years . there he met someone!! my mum. He shot moose etc to survive as the winters at -40 below were no fun. He had a winchester as his main rifle and swore by it, and a colt 45 ......guess what guns I have?
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