Bison in the UK

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Bison in the UK

#1 Post by Christel » ... -r7f8hh85f

This will be interesting to follow.
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Re: Bison in the UK

#2 Post by 1066 »

Situated right by the M2 and M20 - they have enough trouble when a cow wanders - not sure how they will deal with one of these on the carriageway. :)
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Re: Bison in the UK

#3 Post by Les »

You'd think we might have learned a lesson, importing grey squirrels and other invasive species that have caused chaos but no, we have to start importing Bison.
Madness. teanews
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Re: Bison in the UK

#4 Post by YattonShooter »

I wonder if next on the list will be bears, wolves and lynx?
I understand that some see the need to reintroduce extinct species but I suspect that the majority wouldn’t want to be dealing with bears picking through their rubbish.
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Re: Bison in the UK

#5 Post by Polchraine »

Les wrote: Mon Jul 18, 2022 6:34 pm You'd think we might have learned a lesson, importing grey squirrels and other invasive species that have caused chaos but no, we have to start importing Bison.
Madness. teanews

Most invasive species: grey squirrels, signal crayfish, muntjac are legitmate targets. Will bison be added to teh list?

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Re: Bison in the UK

#6 Post by bradaz11 »

YattonShooter wrote: Tue Jul 19, 2022 6:37 pm I wonder if next on the list will be bears, wolves and lynx?
I understand that some see the need to reintroduce extinct species but I suspect that the majority wouldn’t want to be dealing with bears picking through their rubbish.
bristol was trying to do just that, just round the corner from the zoo, no idea how its going though
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Re: Bison in the UK

#7 Post by Graham M »

No doubt when the first dog walker gets mow down and trample by a heard of Bison, the do-gooders will then want to bring in new laws banning dog walking in sensitive areas.
The country is in the midst of an overwhelming increase in the deer population, so why on earth do we need Bison to act as "Natural engineers", whatever that is supposed to mean.
And once the Bison begin to get out of hand we will then deem it "Necessary" to bring in Wolves and Lions to act as "Natural predators".
The country is being run by a load of woke eejits without a clue of what is going on in the real world. They believe that everything they read in the Guardian is true and that we should be living in an eco-friendly world where we all catch the electric bus to work, and cows and sheep should be turned loose and we all become vegetarians and eat beans and lentils.
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Re: Bison in the UK

#8 Post by Kindasideous »

Kind of curious, the linked article from The Times says "Bison BACK" in the UK... Did the UK historically have Bison?

I also find it kind of strange that it say the purpose is to help fight climate change. We have politicians on this side of the pond who tell us that "cow farts" are part of the problem... someone would have to explain to me how moving what basically amounts to wild cows around the planet "helps" the situation! LOL
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Re: Bison in the UK

#9 Post by dromia »

"Cow's farts matter!"

Come on Bambi get some

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Re: Bison in the UK

#10 Post by Peter Leigh »

Did the UK historically have Bison? I believe we did and most of europe, and hunted them down with spears .
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