Hello from Scotland

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Re: Hello from Scotland

#11 Post by ChrisW »

The Lauder range belongs to the Joint Services Pistol Club, and is to be found out in the middle of nowhere - http://jointservicespistolclub.com/

The range was originally built for Practical Pistol, and is an outdoor 25 yard range with covered firing point. The club has a 10 lane turning targeted range which is mostly used for Gallery Rifle with both small and full bore firearms. I can’t remember exactly the limitations of the range safety template but think the maximum muzzle energy permitted on the range is around 2000 Joules. Perhaps one of the most attractive features of the Lauder range is that there always seems to be hot pies available in the club room.

Castlelaw belongs to Landmarc, and I shoot there as a member of Vintage Arms Scotland - http://www.vintagearmsscotland.co.uk/

I don’t know if there are any plans for Guest Days with any of the clubs who rent the range. Later in the year, sometime in September, Castlelaw will again be the venue for the Scottish Historical Rifle Championships. In this there are competitions for muzzle and breech loaded rifles, classes being based on calibres, the rifles design date and sights. Competitions are Deliberates, Snaps, Mad Minute and Hun Head/Sniper Castle.

Sadly, there are no pies to had a Castlelaw, nor is there a clubroom.
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Joined: Sat Nov 06, 2010 4:57 am
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Location: Sutherland and Co Durham

Re: Hello from Scotland

#12 Post by dromia »

Thanks Chris, Its just I'm up and down that way a lot to Sutherland and often stay in Livingston so if there was a chance of a shoot I'd take it.

Come on Bambi get some

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Re: Hello from Scotland

#13 Post by ShootingSight »

Holy cow, when you type I can understand everything you say!

I visited Edinburgh once, loved it, but couldn't understand a word that was spoken. I remember thinking during one exchange 'this is my mother tongue, I have been speaking this language for 40 years, it is incomprehensible that I do not understand someone who is speaking my language'.

I look forward to having several drinks with you. I am certain that after a little alcohol, you'll stop using your accent, and speak normal, like I do.


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