Keeping rifles at a club

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Keeping rifles at a club

#1 Post by fiveeight »

Does anyone have a FAC with a club or the NRA armoury at Bisley as the storage location? I'm thinking about applying for one as there's no way I could put a cabinet into my current rented flat and I don't have a car so transporting a rifle would be a hassle.

If you do keep your kit at Bisley is there anywhere you would recommend? My understanding is that spaces are pretty limited. Any problems you've had? I suppose space to clean or potentially to do reloading would be an issue.
Posts: 1424
Joined: Tue Feb 22, 2011 12:43 pm
Home club or Range: NRA Bisley
Location: Bisley

Re: Keeping rifles at a club

#2 Post by IainWR »

Most of the Bisley clubs have armouries with individual lockers to rent, and usually workbenches for cleaning and maintenance of your guns. But it costs - first you have to be a clubmember, then usually wait for an armoury space to become available. My own FAC has a condition that I have to store the guns in the RAF Target Rifle Club armoury at Bisley (not a problem as I'm the Club Firearms officer). One result is that I have never had a visit from a FEO on renewal, but that may be because I've known the FEOs reasonably well anyway through being the Club's point of contact.

The NRA armoury isn't full, so as a member you can just walk into the range office and arrange to leave your gun(s). I believe the charge for a year's storage is £60, and you have to adhere to their opening times (so you have to be slick about cleaning and returning your gun at the end of a day's shooting).

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