BSA Martini MkIII, PH T4 (Lee Enfield 7.62) - Scotland

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BSA Martini MkIII, PH T4 (Lee Enfield 7.62) - Scotland

#1 Post by jojo »

Hi guys,

As I advertised these a few weeks ago, here's an update. We still have a lovely BSA Martini MkIII which has no use for us and we also have a beautiful Parker Hale T4. Furthermore as we'll need to get rid of some more rifles, two Anschutz Match 54s will need to be taken off our FAC.

The state of the barrel on the T4 is unknown, but the action and the whole rifle is superb. It comes with sights. (Photos on request)

Match 54s are pretty beaten up and probably only good for spares as they've had a long and joyful club life. They come without sights and without handstops. As we'll need some space on our FAC, they'll only be kicking around until end of May, then they might as well say farewell and visit the police.

As the BSA and T4 are no use to us, its more of fundraising and cabinet freeing. We were hoping for about £300 each but open to offers.

Match 54s I guess will be candy money, as they have a lot of flaws! Contact for details.
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Re: BSA Martini MkIII, PH T4 (Lee Enfield 7.62) - Scotland

#2 Post by ovenpaa »

Jojo, what are the stocks like on the 54's?

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Re: BSA Martini MkIII, PH T4 (Lee Enfield 7.62) - Scotland

#3 Post by dromia »

I believe a colleague of mine has emailed about the T4 but has had no response.

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Re: BSA Martini MkIII, PH T4 (Lee Enfield 7.62) - Scotland

#4 Post by jojo »

Ovenpaa: Both are original Match54s i.e. they have no scale (numbers/lines) on the accessory rails and they have slot-headed bolts (rather than modern allen key type). The bolts are after good 40 odd years showing signs of wear but to the best of my knowledge, still working quite ok (photos can be taken and sent). Due to Anschutz's brilliant design, one of them is cracked around the achilles pistol grip holding on with about last 2cm of wood which is about to split. The second one should be ok. Combining them together, you might end up with one so-so rifle and a load of spares :P.

Dromia: I haven't heard from anyone on this forum about the T4. Plus also our mailing servers were down for about a week in January/February but should've been sending an error-like reply. If you'd be willing to PM me your colleague's details I will get in touch if he/she is still interested in it.

Thanks for your interest!

Re: BSA Martini MkIII, PH T4 (Lee Enfield 7.62) - Scotland

#5 Post by jojo »

Just a follow-up, I also have a spare stock as advertised a few weeks back here:

Having thisone slightly modified, you'll have no issues with the stock, as thatone doesn't have the stupid screw going through the pistolgrip. Unfortunately, I don't have the time or tools/skills to mod the stock by myself.
7mm longrangesniper

Re: BSA Martini MkIII, PH T4 (Lee Enfield 7.62) - Scotland

#6 Post by 7mm longrangesniper »

Hi Mate
Could you send me some good quality pictures of the rifles please to my email.

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Re: BSA Martini MkIII, PH T4 (Lee Enfield 7.62) - Scotland

#7 Post by dodgyrog »

dromia wrote:I believe a colleague of mine has emailed about the T4 but has had no response.
You are correct. An email to the Club Secretary was not responded to.
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