Interested in giving F-class a try

New to the sport? Or just not sussed something out yet? Please ask your questions in here, there are many experienced shooters on the forum and someone will for sure come along and answer your question. This is a section for new shooters so if anyone can think of something please submit it.

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Interested in giving F-class a try

#1 Post by mackie »

I had a great day at Bisley on Saturday but I'd like to try disciplines other than just traditional target rifle. Is anyone in a club that would welcome a noob along to give it a bit of a try one morning/afternoon at Bisley?
Posts: 1413
Joined: Tue Feb 22, 2011 12:43 pm
Home club or Range: NRA Bisley
Location: Bisley

Re: Interested in giving F-class a try

#2 Post by IainWR »

NRA Shooting Club, for NRA members. Look on the NRA website, under Clubs on the bookmarks bar.

Re: Interested in giving F-class a try

#3 Post by Dangermouse »

I would second that, money well spent if you are able to get to the Bisley.

The Phoenix is coming up first weekend of June, although sold as a Gallery Rifle competition you will see much more being shot and get a good idea of what is available on the common. If you can come along and ask lots of questions, it may give you an idea of things to try later on,

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