Nitro Muzzle loading Rifle capabilities?

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Nitro Muzzle loading Rifle capabilities?

#1 Post by Dangermouse »

I may have received a bump on the head last night or it may be the phase of the moon, but as I fought to get off to sleep I started to wonder if there were any modern Nitro Muzzle loading Rifles out there, and if they could be used for 800 - 1000 yard Target work.

The look on Mik Makes face would be worth it, if one was pulled out at the Europeans!

A quick search of the Internet this morning quickly came up with a couple of possible contenders, with both Savage and Remington having made versions in the past - although not sure if they still do.

The Internet is full of hunting with these rifles but not much is mentioned re target shooting. Does anyone know of any long range muzzle loading rifles on the market?

I chose the words Muzzle loading and rifle carefully. Should I ever follow this through, and I have still not given up on the idea of 12 gauge bench rest, I would want a modern rifle with trigger, stock and scope rail etc with a rifled barrel capable of using Nitro powder.

Who would have ever though that I would post in the Muzzle loaders section?

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Re: Nitro Muzzle loading Rifle capabilities?

#3 Post by dromia »

Are you sure they are proofed for nitro powders?

The market for these rifles in BP is mainly the hunting market in the US. The hunting season with muzzle loaders starts before the smokeless, therefore M/L BP in line rifles were developed to allow hunters to extend their season.

Personally I find them an abomination but they do shoot.

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Re: Nitro Muzzle loading Rifle capabilities?

#4 Post by Dangermouse »


Am I sure - only the Savage, I read a good report on that this morning and it is proofed for Nitro. The cleaner powder caught my attention. Not sure re the Remington, would have to assume not until confirmed otherwise.

I accept that they are a acquired taste, for me it would purely be a exercise on what is now possible with modern production methods. The older rifles do nothing for me at this time, but you never know, someday perhaps.

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Re: Nitro Muzzle loading Rifle capabilities?

#5 Post by dromia »

Seems that most modern firearms designers are only able to re-invent the wheel.

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Re: Nitro Muzzle loading Rifle capabilities?

#6 Post by Dangermouse »

Stand by for retraction...

Just re visited the Chuck Hawks review that I read this morning and he does not mention Nitro - I blame the bump to my head - He makes several references to Smokeless powders and in particular Viht VN110, which I assume is not the same thing,



Re: Nitro Muzzle loading Rifle capabilities?

#7 Post by Dangermouse »

The review that I read this morning

Some interesting Q's and A's.

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Re: Nitro Muzzle loading Rifle capabilities?

#8 Post by Sandgroper »

Dangermouse wrote:Stand by for retraction...

Just re visited the Chuck Hawks review that I read this morning and he does not mention Nitro - I blame the bump to my head - He makes several references to Smokeless powders and in particular Viht VN110, which I assume is not the same thing,


Smokeless powders are "Nitro". When you handload you are using smokeless powders. From the Chuck hawks review
Smokeless powder charges should be individually weighed or thrown from Lee Precision powder dippers. The 3.4cc Lee dipper, for instance, throws about 44.2 grains of IMR 4227, 44.9 grains of AA 5744, and 40.8 grains of VN110 powder when used properly. Typical volumetric black powder measures should not be used for smokeless powder. And none of the smokeless powder loads should be used in any other brand of muzzleloading rifle.
Using the Lee dippers is what I do to make plinking loads for my rifles. My Phoenix ML Pistol is "Nitro" proofed for a 32 S&W Long load - about 2 grains of Titegroup for a 36 cal round ball.

IIRC "Nitro Proof" was a UK term (beginning of the 20th C) to differentiate between standard Black Powder and the newer nitrocellulose (Smokeless) powders coming into fashion at that time.
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Re: Nitro Muzzle loading Rifle capabilities?

#9 Post by Dangermouse »


This is not my field at all and I was doubting what I thought I had found out,

So far the Savage looks like the best off the shelf option, should I ever go down this route,

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Re: Nitro Muzzle loading Rifle capabilities?

#10 Post by ResearchPress »

Doesn't answer all your requirements, but have a look at the Pedersoli Gibbs. It's a repro of a 19th Century match rifle... no scope rail though and you'll have to shoot black powder, but it'll cover the ranges you're looking at. ... ndard.html

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