NATSS Single Body. £3/4M Sport England money. What happened?

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Re: NATSS Single Body. £3/4M Sport England money. What happe

#21 Post by ovenpaa »

But who started the NATSS initiative??


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Re: NATSS Single Body. £3/4M Sport England money. What happe

#22 Post by Chapuis »

It was doomed from the start because the title was Target Sports rather than Shooting Sports and all Bisley based organisations. It should have been all inclusive if you want to get to a position of strength and unity. Too many vested interests I am afraid. There was some money wasted over this one.
Personally I was rather annoyed not to be invited to one of the workshops that was arranged at great cost I might add. I found out about it only by chance from the secretary of another local club one day before the local meeting. Now our club has been associated to the NRA since 1908 and I have been the secretary of the club for some 16 years or so. Why weren't we included in the invites.

Re: NATSS Single Body. £3/4M Sport England money. What happe

#23 Post by karen »

ovenpaa wrote:But who started the NATSS initiative??
I "think" it might have been John Jackman who was NRA Chairman at the time.

Might be wrong (before someone threatens to sue me) but I think it started from him


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Re: NATSS Single Body. £3/4M Sport England money. What happe

#24 Post by ovenpaa »

karen wrote:
ovenpaa wrote:But who started the NATSS initiative??
I "think" it might have been John Jackman who was NRA Chairman at the time.

Might be wrong (before someone threatens to sue me) but I think it started from him


So this was an NRA top type looking to launch a national executive to better support our fellow shooters, of course the remuneration was package was never a consideration...

Anyway don't worry about being sued Karen, they always threaten Christel with legal action first, she gets hate mail at least four times a year demanding such and such is removed immediately. :lol:

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Re: NATSS Single Body. £3/4M Sport England money. What happe

#25 Post by karen »

ovenpaa wrote:So this was an NRA top type looking to launch a national executive to better support our fellow shooters, of course the remuneration was package was never a consideration...
Um no as the Chairman doesn't get paid and nor would the Chairman of NATSS if it had gone ahead. It wasn't really about that at all. I think it was intended as a good idea but I think some people would have liked the power and prestige (and eventual New Year honour or something) but I really don't think money was a driving factor.



Re: NATSS Single Body. £3/4M Sport England money. What happe

#26 Post by Angelfire »

dromia wrote:Came across the attached newsletter when having a clean out.
Would anyone from the NRA, CPA or the NSRA care to give and explanation as to what happened to this initiative and why.

The shooting sector received a substantial amount of money to from Sport England, our money, to take forward the development of a national body (NATSS). Workshops were held and we were informed of progress via newsletters like the one I attach here. But then all went quiet and I seem to recall a vague references from various bodies.

What happened to the £750,000 from Sport England? It would seem the the three governing bodies need to agree on how it would be spent for it to be drawn down. Was there an inability to agree? If so what was it that couldn't be agreed on and why?

Here was an an initiative that a national body should be behind and certainly one I applauded the NRA and the others for at the time but it just seemed to fade away into nothing with no explanation and no sight of the Sport England 3/4s of a million pounds.


Surely as members of these associations we should have a detailed explanation on this initiative's failure.

These are the last announcements I could find on the subject on the NRA website announcements from the NRA website.

(Working Title)
May 2008
The Steering Group of the National Association of Target Shooting Sports (NATSS – promoted and
sponsored by the Clay Pigeon Shooting Association, the National Small Bore Rifle Association and
the National Rifle Association) has met recently to consider the results of a Survey of UK Target
Shooters having received over 2,200 full responses and the results of 9 Workshops, held UK wide,
with representatives of all sectors of target shooting sport.
The predominant response (88% of the internet survey), fully endorsed at the Workshops, has been
for a desire for the formation of an entirely New Body to govern UK Target Shooting Sport.
Members considered that such an amalgamated Body could provide improved strategic vision and
direction. Further it would enhance opportunities for the sport of Target Shooting to improve
protection of the sport, to enable the enhancement of media relations and increase membership with
more being done in schools and in the National Curriculum. The following have emerged as
overriding features:
1. The preservation of the heritage of the existing Governing Bodies
2. To maintain a role for Home Country associations.
3. Governance by a Board which is primarily skills - based, but which will delegate most
shooting matters and organisation to a Shooting Council along shooting sector/discipline
4. Freedom within a constitutional framework for all sectors and aspiring sectors of UK
Target Shooting sport to participate in their chosen shooting disciplines under the aegis
of the new Governing Body – subject to paramount adherence to Standards of Conduct.
The Steering Group is now engaged with its sports advisers, ‘Performance Matters’ to develop a
draft constitution and financial model to consider with the Boards of the 3 promoters enabling
the management boards of over 40 UK shooting discipline sector bodies to contribute to the
final proposals to be put to their Members in due course.

NATSS Update
The attached briefing note from Performance Matters on the NATSS discussions is a note from them as consultants to the process. A briefing note on behalf of the NRA about NATSS will be posted on our web site early in 2009. For now, it is appropriate to mention that some of the NATSS work stalled in the latter part of this year as attention was focused on the bid to Sport England for funding. A pre-requisite for consideration being given to our application for such funding was that the bid had to be delivered on behalf of the sport of Target Shooting as a whole and not by individual governing bodies. You have probably heard that we have been awarded £750,000 over a 4 year period which will be available for distribution from next spring, by which time we shall need to have agreed with our colleagues in the NSRA and CPSA how it should be allocated. Alongside this development you may have also seen that Bisley is back in the frame as a potential venue for the Olympics and work on this will also be taking up much time for the NRA/NSRA and CPSA in the early part of 2009 - as it did in the latter part of 2008.

download here

Updated: 05-Jan-09 (Original posting: 05-Jan-09)

CPSA Press Release re NATSS and GBTSF (3 Aug 09)
Following the CPSA Board meeting held on the 22nd of July Chairman Terry Bobbett, on behalf of the CPSA Board of Directors, with regret advised Ken Nash, Vice Chairman of the NSRA and Robin Pizer, Chairman of the NRA, that due to the slow progress of the National Association of Target Shooting Sports (NATSS) project and the end of the funding to continue with same, the CPSA has decided to withdraw from this project for the foreseeable future. The CPSA Board regrets that it will now be unable to participate in the Sport England development programme.

However, the CPSA Board will continue to work with the NRA and NSRA on joint working initiatives to benefit target shooting sports and will work with these National Governing Bodies, as it has done in the past, to present a common voice for the future of all Target shooting sports.

I think the financial state of the NSRA and the NRA might have had some bearing on the demise of NATTS. Further more I believe many of the CPSA members were less than exited by NATTS.


Re: NATSS Single Body. £3/4M Sport England money. What happe

#27 Post by John25 »

The money went on salaries, publicity and other admin.

The grass roots membership of ALL the separate organisations used these and other arguments.

WE have more members than you and should have more say

YOU have bigger deficits, financially than us and we are not taking them on

OUR cover is better than yours

WE have been going the longest

Sport England money was used to prove that shooters will never agree, let alone talk nicely to one another.

After all, small bore is boring, clay pigeon shooting is easy - I mean - shotgun, scatter - gun FGS! ; Killing animals is wrong, blah, blah blah

NATSS died the death it desreved. Good idea - poorly executed.

Re: NATSS Single Body. £3/4M Sport England money. What happe

#28 Post by greenshoots »

What happened to the £750,000 from Sport England?
i know what i would have done with it built a national shooting centers for both scotland and wales instead of it being wasted


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Re: NATSS Single Body. £3/4M Sport England money. What happe

#29 Post by dromia »

John25 wrote:The money went on salaries, publicity and other admin.

The grass roots membership of ALL the separate organisations used these and other arguments.

WE have more members than you and should have more say

YOU have bigger deficits, financially than us and we are not taking them on

OUR cover is better than yours

WE have been going the longest

Sport England money was used to prove that shooters will never agree, let alone talk nicely to one another.

After all, small bore is boring, clay pigeon shooting is easy - I mean - shotgun, scatter - gun FGS! ; Killing animals is wrong, blah, blah blah

NATSS died the death it desreved. Good idea - poorly executed.
Once again the best interests of shooting and shooting have been ignored by the vested interest of our corrupt and hypocritical "national" organisations.

The reasons outlined by John 25 above is not the experience I have of most shooters who truly year for a good healthy single national shooting organisation. The current bunch of "national" shysters have lost any respect amongst most shooters I know, the sooner they all bankrupt themselves and wither on the vine the sooner we can move on with hope of creating something better. In fact anything has to be better than the crap we currently have.

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Re: NATSS Single Body. £3/4M Sport England money. What happe

#30 Post by Gun Pimp »

I did attend one of the NATSS workshops and thought the concept was promising - ONE VOICE representing all target shooters.

But, if the NRA and NSRA can't amalgamate - when they do exactly the same thing in the same place - NATSS never really had a chance.
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