Full bore ranges in and around Sussex????

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Full bore ranges in and around Sussex????

#1 Post by darkstar66 »

Hello chaps!

Im new to the site but not to hunting/shooting =)

I have recently received confirmation of variation on my F.A.C for a slot for .243.

Until now i have shot small-bore at a local range, now i have full-bore capability i need to find a range with full-bore facilities nearby here in Sussex, the less strict on shooting style the better (each to their own but i like relaxed be safe and shoot whatever style you like ranges)

Its a nightmare trying to search the web and i would rather pick your brains as your hopefully all friendly experienced guys with the knowledge!

Any help greatly appreciated!!!

Re: Full bore ranges in and around Sussex????

#2 Post by Dannywayoflife »

I think your stuck with either bisley or lydd mate. There's not too many fullbore ranges around.
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