Target Shotgun

All types of competitive shooting including Bell Target, MR TR F/TR F Open, GR, Small Bore and BR

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This section is for people who shoot or want to shoot in competitions and includes future events, how to get started, choice of rifle and calibres including wildcats, how to prepare for your competition, and of course how you did!

Target Shotgun

#1 Post by John25 »

Are many going to the Target Shotgun match at Bisley on 23rd Feb?
Posts: 521
Joined: Sat Nov 06, 2010 9:23 pm
Location: Surrey

Re: Target Shotgun

#2 Post by lapua338 »

Is it possible to come and watch a detail or two?

Re: Target Shotgun

#3 Post by John25 »

I won't be there, but yes, you will be welcome.

John MH

Re: Target Shotgun

#4 Post by John MH »

Web site on link says that there is a separate Target Shot Gun Association, do the run the Target Shot Gun or do the NRA?

Also says that the NRA Target Shot Gun Rep is someone other than the guy on here who said he was, which one s and which one isn't?

Nothing on the NRA website either.

Re: Target Shotgun

#5 Post by John25 »

New asoociation formed last year to run TS for everyone, all over the country.

Last shoot was at Wedgenock (canceled due to the snow), next one is the Bisley event.

Bisley have their own shoots ( usually during Phoenix etc.) and rep.

Idea is more of the old pistol disiplines without buying another gun.

Snag is with the cost of slug it looks like I'm going to need another press and mold. emrolleyes

The Cupcake Kid

Re: Target Shotgun

#6 Post by The Cupcake Kid »

John MH wrote:Web site on link says that there is a separate Target Shot Gun Association, do the run the Target Shot Gun or do the NRA?

Also says that the NRA Target Shot Gun Rep is someone other than the guy on here who said he was, which one s and which one isn't?

Nothing on the NRA website either.
The newsletter information on that website is out of date as James Harris was elected the NRA Target Shotgun Rep later in 2012.

Absence of useful information on the NRA website is not unusual...

In general terms, we now have three main bodies organising target shotgun and practical shotgun matches in the UK (I'm not going to mention Northern Ireland...) - The Target Shotgun Association, UKPSA and Four4islands. Each have their own matches at various venues around the country.

Hope that helps!

Re: Target Shotgun

#7 Post by 4Islander »

As mentioned James Harris is the new NRA Target Shotgun Rep, he took over after winning the seat from Andy Duffy at the end of May 2012.

After the election the NTSA appeared & Andy Duffy is the Chairman listed on their website.

Andy is also a UKPSA council member & is married to the UKPSA Chairman, they are also involved with the Blue Team who have run target shotgun events previously at Bisley, I had heard that they had walked away from events at the NSC but that may or may not be correct.

In effect the UKPSA the NTSA & the Blue Team are all run by the same folks.

Four4islands has no connection with UKPSA the NTSA or the Blue Team, & is independent of their control, I hope that helps explain the positions.

Four4islands is helping the NRA & James deliver the shotgun element of the February 4gun match & also some other events throughout this coming year.


Re: Target Shotgun

#8 Post by saddler »

I'd go, but the distance is the main factor stopping me

In theory I could fly down for a lot less than the petrol would cost, but doing so with a S.1 s/g & slug atc. would be a little too interesting (assuming that the airline even allowed such things to be carried, some don't...)

Re: Target Shotgun

#9 Post by John25 »

Run one locally?

Basically they are only the old pistol COF with timings altered.

Re: Target Shotgun

#10 Post by saddler »

John25 wrote:Run one locally?

Basically they are only the old pistol COF with timings altered.
That IS on the cards

I was a member of JSPC - most of the committee was ok to allow such shoots on the range & have it reclassed for S.1 shotgun or possibly two were not happy, so I gave up after 3 years of trying

The club I am now in is about to open a new gallery range in Fife.
From the get-go it is S.1 shotgun I WILL be doing some shoots/stages there - plus LOTS of practice! (& reload testing, etc.)

At present I attend some of the shoots in Carlisle - about 60 miles (or 90 minutes) from me - so the new Fife range will be a big bonus
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