In the last year having been rained off twice & paying up in full, snowed out once & not having to pay, the club has decided in low season or for an add hoc training shoot to just wait till a day or so before the proposed date then book knowing exactly how many we have coming & what weather to expect?
That will save us money if the rather unpredictable weather is too bad & so far we have never been turned away, (if so we hit the zero range & do safety drills & a bar :cheers: ) sometimes had to compromise on distance but it was not a problem. We generally bring our own markers to these shoots.
Is this policy not counter productive to range utilisation? Being bums on FP's paying to put rounds down? (especially in low season) vs. 'accounting' efficiency?
We pay a flat rate range fee to the club & if a member no shows its still payable (unless their funeral or emergency operation makes cash recovery unfeasible

Cant the NRA consider something similar? after all a no show club (x-marker) does not consume any resources & does not make any holes in paper.