Good starter rifle for TR.

All types of competitive shooting including Bell Target, MR TR F/TR F Open, GR, Small Bore and BR

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Good starter rifle for TR.

#1 Post by Mikaveli »

Hi Guys,

Being new to all this, I'm wondering where to start (in terms of equipment) for a target rifle. It won't be my main discipline, so I don't want to spend thousands on a potentially class winning rifle (my shootings not anywhere near that standard anyway).

Just looking for a good starting point that offers a lot of 'bang for my buck'. sign85

Re: Good starter rifle for TR.

#2 Post by Gaz »

a) Avoid Fultons. Overpriced.
b) Try Norman Clarke. He usually has a decent selection of rifles in stock at reasonable (for TR) prices. £500+ is about the right ballpark price unless you're lucky.
c) Go for a stiff action, i.e. not a converted Mauser, Enfield or Parker Hale.
d) Don't worry about the age of the rifle. As you're not worried about winning (and rightly so, it's impossible for a casual shot to even get on a list) you won't need the latest RPA offering in a Gemini stock. Something old and reliable like a Musgrave or a Swing will serve just as well.
e) Make sure the barrel is sound! Insist on inspecting the crown and the throat. If you don't know what the signs of wear are, take a friend with you who does. If the rifle has a logbook, avoid anything with more than about 6-7,000 rounds - you'll struggle.
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Joined: Fri Dec 10, 2010 1:33 pm

Re: Good starter rifle for TR.

#3 Post by rox »

Mikaveli wrote:It won't be my main discipline
What will be?


Re: Good starter rifle for TR.

#4 Post by Mikaveli »

rox wrote:
Mikaveli wrote:It won't be my main discipline
What will be?

Probably a gallery rifle discipline - cheap to shoot and I get to our indoor range every week. Weekends are more difficult for me, but that's the only time I'll be using full-bore rifles (9-10 times a year instead of 40 plus).
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