Bisley Open Day Successes

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Bisley Open Day Successes

#1 Post by slate »

Having just restarted small-bore after a thirty year hiatus, I went to Bisley Open Day last week to try out the full-bore rifles. I think I did pretty well.

-I had the top score (till 2pm when I moved on) at the 100m Static Deer (10-10-10-9-9) and could have done better (.223).
-I hit 24 points (and all targets) on the 300m 5 shot McQueen (including one bull and one super-v) (.308) which was 2nd best score of the day (that was 26)
-All shots in the black at the 1000yd in a squall (could easily have done better) - properly grouped though
-All five shots an inch either side of the bull on the 300m Target (all within a cm-ish vertical) (.308) i.e looking like **0***
-All shots in the 3 and 4 and then a bull on the AR15 Practical Rifle (.308 I think......) - grouped well.

Given that this was the first time I've ever shot full-bore is this good?

Oh, and if anyone was helping out that day - Well done it was a great day with friendly help and advice all round. sign92

Re: Bisley Open Day Successes

#2 Post by karen »

Yep - better than my first time so join the NRA now!
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Re: Bisley Open Day Successes

#3 Post by ovenpaa »

Sounds like some very good shooting to me :good:

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Re: Bisley Open Day Successes

#4 Post by hitchphil »

Well done your 300yds target scores 20.0 = very good, best on my FP was 23.2 with gun in hand & hand on rest - elevation is a good indicator of hold, breathing, consistent eye, & trigger control - but i guess it was supported on a rest?

All in all - guess you had better sign up as a member & get on with making holes a long way away. :goodjob:

..................Unless your tag? 'Tox' is the same Tox that hit London Underground for £450ks worth of ‘Tox 06, 07, 08, 09, 10' etc graffiti ?!? sign01 .... & I have even seen 'Tox 09' on a railway cutting in Paris!
Quality control of Scottish Ethanol. & RDX/HMX

& my fav chemical is :-) 1,3,7-trimethylxanthine.......... used to kill frogs.... but widely consumed & in vast quantities by the French? Eh?

Re: Bisley Open Day Successes

#5 Post by slate »

Not that Tox... though you're not the first to ask.

Of the 300m scores the Target was supported on a carpeted block , the AR15 and the McQueen were on bipods. The 100m was supported on a leather bag (looked alarmingly like a monkey's arse..) and the F-Class was a bipod.

I didn't quite understand the club system there though. Clearly different clubs will use different ranges, though there will be some overlap. So, if I want to do Deer rifle, McQueen and 1000yd is there any particular club I should join?
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Re: Bisley Open Day Successes

#6 Post by IainWR »

tox wrote: So, if I want to do Deer rifle, McQueen and 1000yd is there any particular club I should join?
Join the NRA itself, which gives you access to everything done on Bisley Ranges!

Re: Bisley Open Day Successes

#7 Post by slate »

So is the NRA just another that club that also happens to be the governing body? I'd be looking for a club that had a loan rifle for me until I get my own and would then have the facilities for me to store my own rifle. Oh and have a clubhouse with decent tea and biccies.....
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Re: Bisley Open Day Successes

#8 Post by hitchphil »

Yep the NRA is a club too & one that caters for almost all forms of shooting, has loads of kit to hire & good courses to properly train people.

Might be an idea to ask about clubs in your locality too as many are NRA affiliated, shoot at Bisley & do many of the standard disciplines. It means you get to know a group, get coached, they will usually be only to happy for you to have a go on some of their guns & will provide lots of advice on kit, value & good ammo etc.

My advice - soak it all up before rushing out to buy loads of stuff. & if you are on a budget let people know then cost effective gear will become available via members.

Tea & Biccies? isat like er code for beer n crips?
Quality control of Scottish Ethanol. & RDX/HMX

& my fav chemical is :-) 1,3,7-trimethylxanthine.......... used to kill frogs.... but widely consumed & in vast quantities by the French? Eh?

Re: Bisley Open Day Successes

#9 Post by slate »

Looking at the British Sporting Club atm as it should have the contacts I need to get me stalking. Likely to be there next week, then DSC1 the following week.

Just checked my McQueen score, turns out is is 6-5-5-5-3, gotta have a go at improving that!
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