benelli m2 stove pipe with slugs only

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benelli m2 stove pipe with slugs only

#1 Post by joe »


my benelli m2 is very reliable with buck and bird shot howver when i use sellier and bellot practical sport slugs, i will get a stove pipe jamb every so often ! is this ammo releated ? i always thought that out of all the shotgun ammo slugs had most powder charge ?
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Re: benelli m2 stove pipe with slugs only

#2 Post by phaedra1106 »

Maybe because the brass is a bit higher on the S&B slugs?, mine are certainly a few mm higher than the Geco slugs I have and a lot higher than my own loads using Fiocchi cases. I'd try a box of Geco and see what they do, do the S&B cycle OK by hand or do you still get the odd jam?.
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Re: benelli m2 stove pipe with slugs only

#3 Post by mr smith »

Are there not two or three different S&B slugs some with a bit more boom than others.

Re: benelli m2 stove pipe with slugs only

#4 Post by joe »

phaedra1106 wrote:Maybe because the brass is a bit higher on the S&B slugs?, mine are certainly a few mm higher than the Geco slugs I have and a lot higher than my own loads using Fiocchi cases. I'd try a box of Geco and see what they do, do the S&B cycle OK by hand or do you still get the odd jam?.

i havent cycled by hand (excpet to chamber the first round) the s&B i usally shoot in bisley so not much choice of slug ! however i did see they sell s&B slug with more velcoity (according to s&b website) so might give that a go next time as well
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Re: benelli m2 stove pipe with slugs only

#5 Post by JSC »

This can be an issue with M2s and I've had the same problem on and off for a while. I haven't yet come up with a definitive explanation as to why it happens but to reduce the chances you can use the 32g S&B slug (rather than the 28g) and make sure the action and bolt are cleaned after every shoot and then use a light oil on all the bearing surfaces to keep the action slick. The cold weather often brings this problem which is why I use light oil.

I have also messed around with recoil springs and that has helped but the trouble with a semi-auto is that once you start modifying one thing it can often lead to a problem elsewhere.

Is it a new gun, because if so it may just need shooting in a bit more. If it's going to be unreliable, it will always happen with slug though.

Re: benelli m2 stove pipe with slugs only

#6 Post by TJC »

My M2 has never had a single problem with the 28g S&B slugs irrespective of oil, weather, clean or not.

Have you by any chance changed the lifter or bolt release ?

If not and it is a new gun I would try running a few boxes of heavier loads and if they work then go back and try the lighter ones.

Re: benelli m2 stove pipe with slugs only

#7 Post by joe »

JSC wrote:This can be an issue with M2s and I've had the same problem on and off for a while. I haven't yet come up with a definitive explanation as to why it happens but to reduce the chances you can use the 32g S&B slug (rather than the 28g) and make sure the action and bolt are cleaned after every shoot and then use a light oil on all the bearing surfaces to keep the action slick. The cold weather often brings this problem which is why I use light oil.

I have also messed around with recoil springs and that has helped but the trouble with a semi-auto is that once you start modifying one thing it can often lead to a problem elsewhere.

Is it a new gun, because if so it may just need shooting in a bit more. If it's going to be unreliable, it will always happen with slug though.
i think there were the 32g s&b ones, however on their website it has a lower velocity compared to the 28g slugs (less poweder maby) no its not new, always keep it clean and oil the action and bearing surfaces, very reliable with everthing else !
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