NOE 451114 0.451" Volunteer mould

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NOE 451114 0.451" Volunteer mould

#1 Post by dromia »

If there are any Parker Hale 0.451" Volunteer shooters then you might just be interested in this.

My Volunteer rifle loves the 451114 design bullet out to 600 yards (the furthest distances I shoot now) however the Lyman mould is only a single cavity and I would prefer a multiple cavity mould to help me make more bullets in the time I have with the ladle.

So to this end I have started a discussion thread over on the NOE forum to see if there is any interest in them cutting a multiple cavity mould of this bullet.

If we get enough interest (10) then Al will run the mould.

So Volunteer or want to be Volunteer shooters do yourselves a favour and sign up for this mould.

You know it makes sense. ... 979.0.html

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