Section 1 application questions

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Section 1 application questions

#1 Post by Gazza »

Evening all

Myself and my eldest lad are about to apply for our FAC's and would like clarification on a few things if possible by the forum members.

First question:
If you require more than one .22LR rifle on your FAC would you just put .22LR rifle on your application and then buy as many as required (like on a shotgun cert) or would you have to list .22LR X amount of times depending on the number of .22 rifles you require?

Second question:
At the moment we do not have access to a full bore range but hope to in the very near future so can we apply for a centrefire rifle on our applications without being members of a full bore range? If so what do we put in the "reason" section? just target shooting?

I'm sure there will be more questions but I think those two will do for now if anyone can help.

Cheers for now.


Re: Section 1 application questions

#2 Post by saddler »

1. List the qty required & you'll have to give reason for each .22
2. Not likely to be granted if you've nowhere to use one = no "valid reason"

Re: Section 1 application questions

#3 Post by Gazza »

The .22LR rifles I will be after aquiring will be a bolt action and a semi auto, both of which will be used for target shooting so will target shooting be reason enough for those two or indeed any amount of .22 LR rifles?

Re: Section 1 application questions

#4 Post by saddler »

Yes....but NOT "any amount"
Each needs a reason & you'll have to prove how they differ from each other with their end use on mind
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Re: Section 1 application questions

#5 Post by Dark Skies »

I've found target shooting and a slight explanation for why I want two of the same action (backup for competition or one scoped and the other iron sighted has been sufficient).

Where you will fail every time is good reason - until you've joined a club, completed the probationary period, and become a full member - or someone has granted you access to shoot over their land you're scuppered. And they WILL ask where you intend to shoot and they WILL check.
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Re: Section 1 application questions

#6 Post by Gazza »

Dark Skies wrote:I've found target shooting and a slight explanation for why I want two of the same action (backup for competition or one scoped and the other iron sighted has been sufficient).

Where you will fail every time is good reason - until you've joined a club, completed the probationary period, and become a full member - or someone has granted you access to shoot over their land you're scuppered. And they WILL ask where you intend to shoot and they WILL check.
We are both full members of an approved club so that wont be a problem hopefully.
So hopefully target shooting reasons for both a bolt action and a semi auto will be sufficient as they are technically different guns?
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Re: Section 1 application questions

#7 Post by Dark Skies »

Gazza wrote:
Dark Skies wrote:I've found target shooting and a slight explanation for why I want two of the same action (backup for competition or one scoped and the other iron sighted has been sufficient).

Where you will fail every time is good reason - until you've joined a club, completed the probationary period, and become a full member - or someone has granted you access to shoot over their land you're scuppered. And they WILL ask where you intend to shoot and they WILL check.
We are both full members of an approved club so that wont be a problem hopefully.
So hopefully target shooting reasons for both a bolt action and a semi auto will be sufficient as they are technically different guns?
Yes. You could have a bolt action, a lever action, a pump action, and a semi-auto in .22 and use the same reason - target shooting. You could probably double up on each and have one set as iron sighted and the other as scoped.

The obsession as to how many of a calibre and action regarding good reason has always been somewhat silly to me when one is led to believe the object of firearm legislation is merely to keep them out of the wrong hands. What difference does it make in the scheme of things? You're either trustworthy or you are not - how many of a favourite calibre someone has should make no difference.
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Re: Section 1 application questions

#8 Post by snayperskaya »

It's worth taking the time to read the Home Office guidance notes :good:
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Re: Section 1 application questions

#9 Post by bnz41 »

As you and your son are wanting rifles do you share the same home?

If so you will need to have seperate cabinets, because without 2 of them you may not get granted a FAC. Reason no other person in your home should have access to your firearms (even if they have a FAC but do not have permission for access to your guns). Or you could ask for any firearms owned for them to be added to each others certificates then you have access and use.

Re: Section 1 application questions

#10 Post by mullen7 »

As already said, you need to apply for 2x .22LR. When I applied i put Precision Target for the bolt, and Gallery/Practical for semi.

You won't get a full-bore without anywhere to shoot it, so I wouldn't apply for it. But you can get pistol calibre rifles if you can shoot them at your club!

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