Wanted: BSA Ammo Safe

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Wanted: BSA Ammo Safe

#1 Post by daman »

I've managed without a separate ammo safe so far as my BSA gun safe has a locking top box which is enough to hold the small quantities of centrefire I keep.

But I recently acquired a shottie... and a few hundred cartridges just won't fit.

So I'm looking for an ammo safe. But the anal retentive part of me wants a nice BSA green one to match the gun safe.

A quick email to BSA and they say they no longer make ammo safes helpsign

So I throw myself on the mercy of the forum - does anyone have a BSA green ammo safe they'd be willing to sell?
any???? thankssign

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Re: Wanted: BSA Ammo Safe

#2 Post by TattooedGun »

You realise you don't have to have shotgun cartridges in a "safe" right?

it's good practice, but not a legal requirement.

You could get a nice chest with a lock on, or a tool chest style thing. Anything really to store them in, which doesn't necessarily have to be locked (other than for your own piece of mind, if you choose)..

With that said mine are stored in an ammo safe, but should my centrefire needs increase, the shotgun cartridges will be taken out and stored elsewhere. I grabbed one of this type: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/X-LARGE-AMMUN ... XQMmJRJUEp

Perhaps grab a spray can and try and colour match??
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