AZ vs the EU

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AZ vs the EU

#1 Post by channel12 »

I a going to assume that the EU has contracted with AZ to supply a specified number of vaccine doses. What then happens when that contract is fulfilled ? Will AZ accept a new contract given the EU's abuse and general harassment and if so will the contract price per dose be more in line with the other vaccines being offered? It's not like there isn't a market for a low cost easily stored vaccine anywhere else in the world,
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Re: AZ vs the EU

#2 Post by Polchraine »

The EU are creating so much noise they hope that their own population will start to agree and believe it is others such as the UK who are responsible and not the EU.

The EU contract has a specific number with a "BEST EFFORTS" clause, where as the original UK contract has a priority or exclusivity clause in it which gives us the rights to deliveries and quite rightly so as the UK government funded a large amount of the research. Various European Governments are demanding that AZ adhere to the contracts and deliver to the EU instead of the UK and that it self is not what the contracts say.

That aside - I am sure that for any future contracts AZ will give te EU even worse terms - there is no incentive to improve them as AZ are not making a profit and can easily sell elsewhere. They could double the price to the EU and it would still be cheap and give away to third world countries - that really would p... off brussels.

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