Reamer Finisher (without freebore) Question.

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Reamer Finisher (without freebore) Question.

#1 Post by Alpha1 »

What does it mean when a reamer for argument sake is described as being a .303 finisher reamer. (Without freebore.)
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Re: Reamer Finisher (without freebore) Question.

#2 Post by waterford103 »

Chamber only , no leade ? My .303 reamer has the leade cut and chamber all in one , maybe there would be a separate reamer for cutting the leade ?
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Re: Reamer Finisher (without freebore) Question.

#3 Post by dodgyrog »

Rougher and finisher reamers are as they would indicate in their name
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Re: Reamer Finisher (without freebore) Question.

#4 Post by The Gun Pimp »

Gunsmiths will often use a 'no freebore' reamer then cut the freebore to exactly suit the customer's bullet choice. This is particularly popular in FTR where everyone uses a 308 but there are many bullet options.
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Re: Reamer Finisher (without freebore) Question.

#5 Post by Alpha1 »

Thanks for that I think I understand now.
So if you were using a reamer that just cuts the freebore you would then use a throating reamer to cut for your bullet depth. Depending on the type of bullet you intend to use.
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Re: Reamer Finisher (without freebore) Question.

#6 Post by The Gun Pimp »

Yes but if you are just buying a reamer for yourself you will know your bullet length and can order a reamer to cut the correct freebore.

There is quite a bit of latitude (depending on the ogive shape of the bullet). For example, when I spec'd my 308 FTR reamer I wanted to use the 155 gn Scenar which was a popular bullet at the time but of course things have moved on and I now use the 185gn Berger Juggernaut which amazingly is still OK in that freebore. However some heavier bullets would seat too deep - I was just lucky.
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Re: Reamer Finisher (without freebore) Question.

#7 Post by Alpha1 »

Thanks. :good:
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Re: Reamer Finisher (without freebore) Question.

#8 Post by Alpha1 »

Having now been able to examine the reamer in the flesh so to speak I get it.
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