Shooting Times

All things Hunting, Fishing, Wildlife and Conservation related.

Moderator: dromia

Forum rules
"The Dromia Rule"

Deer Stalking… reliable word of mouth recommendation from someone you know has undertaken such stalking being offered by a specific syndicate is best. Like other walks of life, stalking has its scammers. E.G., make sure there is deer, of the species sought, on the land being made available; that appropriate insurance is in place; that there is recourse for recompense if it all goes wrong. In addition, obtain and understand terms and conditions; consider the implications of allowing a syndicate leader to be a FAC mentor; make sure ‘coaches’ are suitably qualified; consider the quality of deer management, the construction & execution of a shooting plan and safety; determine if the land is over-shot.

If in doubt, contact BASC or similar.

Anyone considered to be a scammer will be banned without warning.
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Shooting Times

#1 Post by Pete »

A lying shooting journalist ??.......whatever next... ... -licences/

"Tantum religio potuit suadere malorum" Lucretius
You're offended? Please explain why your inability to control your emotions translates into me having to censor my opinions....
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Re: Shooting Times

#2 Post by Fenix1 »

Pete wrote:A lying shooting journalist ??.......whatever next... ... -licences/

He is probably covering his arse.
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