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#1 Post by Sonofsammo »

I've tried to search and failed. If there's already a thread, please could someone point me in the right direction?

I would like to add a section one shotgun (for PSG) to my FAC, but am unsure as to how to go about it.
When I applied for my original FAC, I obviously requested the type of firearm I wanted - e.g. 308 - but didn't have to specify the make or model.
If I'm requesting a variation, what do I do? Do I just ask for a shotgun, or do I have to specify make/model?
Would it make it easier if I said I wanted to swap it for a slot that was already there, but unused (e.g. 357)
Any help would be much appreciated. thankssign
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Re: Variations

#2 Post by 1066 »

Go online and find your local police authority - search firearms and find the online variation form.

Fill it in - In the bit where it says - "Firearms to be acquired" ... Calibre: 12 bore Type: Shotgun Reason. Target shooting.

You will need to provide club details. (I think the club will need to be able to provide suitable facilities)

Ammunition: Slug Quantity 200

If you were removing the .357 and replacing it with the Sec 1 shotgun you shouldn't need to pay. If you were just adding the shotgun you would need to pay the variation fee.

I think that is how it still works - although many police forces seem to make it up as they go along now.
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Re: Variations

#3 Post by snayperskaya »

Just apply for a one-for-one variation on an unused slot, that way it is free and just put down 12g Shotgun......and slug ammunition if you want slug.You could alternatively apply for an additional slot for a shotgun, this would cost you £20 but could increase the time it takes to process your application as a visit may be required depending on how long you've held your certificate and how many firearms you already have etc.

Personally I'd do a one-for-one, I did the same thing recently and acquired a very nice Mossberg 500.I asked for 200 slug, got a call from my FEO for "a chat about my variation" and ended up with 100 slug instead, he said that if no shooting competitively they usually allow 60 slug.It seems the Police aren't overly keen on multi-shot shotguns and slug ammunition but somewhat strangely they also upped my .22lr and 7.62x54r allowances without me having to ask!, not that I'm complaining as I can now hold 1500 54r :good:
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Re: Variations

#4 Post by Sonofsammo »

Thanks for the advice chaps - I asked for a 1 for 1 and ditched the 357 I never bought.
I ended up with 50 slug, rather than the 250 I asked for - but that was in negotiation with the FLO and after finding out how much they are, it's unlikely I'd ever have that many anyway.
I'm very impressed, cos they got it back to me in 14 days. Very chuffed indeed, as it meant I got to go shopping yesterday and am now the proud owner of a Stoeger M3K - hurrah!
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Re: Variations

#5 Post by bradaz11 »

50? I'm so glad my force seems to trust me. 200 here, and 700 of every other cal I request except 9mm and .22
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Re: Variations

#6 Post by Blackstuff »

If you aren't shooting competitively you can probably get away with 50 but otherwise you'll find yourself running short quite regularly (well, if you're shooting regularly).

The last time my PSG club had slug stages the MINIMUM round count was 28, which in theory is fine with 50. The problems occur if you have a lot of top ups on targets (which can be a regular occurrence, especially if you're shooting at distance) or you have to shoot a stage(s) again.

Added to that you may (should) wish to practice close to the match date and on the day you may be required to submit 3-5 rounds of ammo for the chronograph/testing.

The last L3 match I shot had a slug round count of 34 and the next one I believe is in the low 40's, and I have shot a match that was only slug and buck and that required 100+ slug bangbang As a general rule, most people take double the amount of ammunition to a match than the minimum required.

But the main thing is you have your gun now, so get out there and enjoy it! :good:
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Re: Variations

#7 Post by Rockhopper »

Be a good boy for a couple of months then apply for a variation to take it up to 200 or whatever. I had the same performance with my initial grant of .22RF believe it or not.
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