Coterminous FAC and SGC

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Coterminous FAC and SGC

#1 Post by Kri »

Hi all,

Can anyone tell me - if I apply for a SGC now and a FAC in about 8 month's time, will I be able to bring forward the renewal of the FAC so that it becomes coterminous with the SGC?

(...and this is my first post so please treat me gently) O:-)

Many thanks,

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Re: Coterminous FAC and SGC

#2 Post by dromia »

In such matters there is the theory as in the Legislation and interpreted in the HO guidance.

Then there is the practice which is how things are done by the differing certification sections. Which in most cases is made up on the whim of the people working there and is subject to change at any given time, seemingly depending on the whimsy of the current certification officer, barometric pressure, the alignment of the stars and the current colour pairing of boris johnson's stockings and suspender set.

So the only meaningful answer is for you to ask you certification department and see what their current megrims and caprices on the topic are.

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Re: Coterminous FAC and SGC

#3 Post by Blackstuff »

I've only ever heard of an SGC being brought forward to the date of an FAC, not the other way around, but as always, your FLD is going to make the decision so they're the best people to ask.
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Re: Coterminous FAC and SGC

#4 Post by Chapuis »

Blackstuff wrote: Fri Nov 05, 2021 12:51 pm I've only ever heard of an SGC being brought forward to the date of an FAC, not the other way around, but as always, your FLD is going to make the decision so they're the best people to ask.
As Blackstuff says only the renewal date on the shotgun certificate can be shortened to make it coterminous not the FAC.
Don't mess about simply apply for both SGC and FAC at the same time or it will cost you money.
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Re: Coterminous FAC and SGC

#5 Post by Polchraine »

Chapuis wrote: Mon Nov 08, 2021 8:11 am
Blackstuff wrote: Fri Nov 05, 2021 12:51 pm I've only ever heard of an SGC being brought forward to the date of an FAC, not the other way around, but as always, your FLD is going to make the decision so they're the best people to ask.
As Blackstuff says only the renewal date on the shotgun certificate can be shortened to make it coterminous not the FAC.
Don't mess about simply apply for both SGC and FAC at the same time or it will cost you money.
And hassle.

I agree. Do both at at same time - and given the timeframe for new grants, it could be months.

An email to teh local team explaining and asking for their advice on how to proceed may be te way forward.

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Re: Coterminous FAC and SGC

#6 Post by Pippin89 »

As others have said you will save yourself a lot of time and hassle applying for them both together. I assume the difference is because you are waiting for a probationary stage to finish at a club? If so wait for that and apply for both. Its not just hassle with the application, its hassle and cost getting 2 lots of medical reports etc.
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Re: Coterminous FAC and SGC

#7 Post by Blackstuff »

Personally speaking I've intentionally kept my apart as I mainly shoot practical shotgun. If i'd gone coterminous I wouldn't have been able to by cartridges for 8 months which would've been a major problem. YMMV
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Re: Coterminous FAC and SGC

#8 Post by Graham M »

You can get someone else to buy them for you because as far as I am aware it isn't necessary to have a SGC to hold cartridges.
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