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Shotgun re-loading

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2023 4:08 pm
by Graham M
Right, here's a question for you shot-shell re-loaders out there. I have acquired a couple of reloading presses including a gert Texan progressive press.
Texan press.jpg

Not going to be using this as it's a bit too much at the moment, but will be using a nice Redding single stage one.
Redding press.jpg

No problem I thought until I went onto a re-loading site to have a mooch and was a bit taken aback at the number and types of primers, wads and over powder cards etc.
Anyone out their know what the simplest components to use would be for someone just about to dip their toe into this type of re-loading. any????

Re: Shotgun re-loading

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2023 4:10 pm
by Graham M
Will be reloading 70mm 1oz loads fibre wads.

Re: Shotgun re-loading

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2023 7:54 pm
by BooBoo
I would suggest that you take a look at the sample loads page on the FES website. That said, you'll now struggle to get hold of Maxam powders... John may assist with alternatives.

BPI publish data for euro components coupled with common US powders. However, you'll also now struggle to get hold of those as well.

Good luck with your hunt.

Re: Shotgun re-loading

Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2023 8:54 am
by Blackstuff
If you use Facebook there are a number of shotgun reloading pages on there which i've found helpful. Although i do load my own slug and buckshot i'm still using plas-wads as reloading birdshot hasn't YET become economically viable (not far off).

But with the impending lead ban i'm not investing any more time or energy into anything reloading until the outcome comes through as it may all be moot :bad: