Is there a perfect .22 scope? Which magnification is the most versatile?

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Is there a perfect .22 scope? Which magnification is the most versatile?

#1 Post by nagantino »

I shoot Lightweight Sporting Rifle, TP and Multi-Target competitions in .22 lr. I bought a Nikon 3-9 scope which is a quality item, but I feel more magnification is needed at 25 yards. The same rifle is used in TP and MT. Is there a perfect scope combo that does it all, like 4-16 or what?
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Re: Is there a perfect .22 scope? Which magnification is the most versatile?

#2 Post by Alpha1 »

With scopes you get what you pay for my .22 Scopes for 25 yards indoor stuff have cost between £350 and £500. Longer distance stuff between £700 and well over a £1000.
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Re: Is there a perfect .22 scope? Which magnification is the most versatile?

#3 Post by TattooedGun »

I shoot Lightweight Sporting Rifle at 25 yards with my Lantac LA-SF15.

I have an IOR Ghost 1-10x scope on it, but generally don't use more than 6x whilst shooting competition - too much magnification amplifies the movement of free-hand shooting and puts me off.

I also use the same rifle for Practical Minirifle shooting to decent success.

All I would say is look at what the top shooters in your disciplines are using and see if there's any crossover. it may be that you need something fitting for each discipline that you shoot - quick release scope mounts are available so you could have multiple options for the same rifle system. ultimately only you can decide what you need, or what you can live with. You can compromise, but where you decide to compromise is based on your ability or needs.
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Re: Is there a perfect .22 scope? Which magnification is the most versatile?

#4 Post by 1066 »

Unfortunately no one scope suits all my .22's. I use a big 8-50x60 for indoor benchrest, it does the job very well but lacks the elevation needed for long range rimfire, I use my Sightron 8-32x56 for that. I can't use the Sightron for indoor benchrest because it won't quite focus down to 25yds.
I use little 2.5-5 x 20 Whitetail classic for 20 yd standing and 4-14x40 Hawke on my Finnfire sporting rifle.
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Re: Is there a perfect .22 scope? Which magnification is the most versatile?

#5 Post by paul mercer »

I use a pretty standard 3x9x50 at around no4 or 5 setting for LSR at 25yds which seem to be quite adequate for my (not too brilliant shooting), any more and a wobble sets in. Some of our best shots use scopes at up to 24 setting, they must have very steady hands!
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Re: Is there a perfect .22 scope? Which magnification is the most versatile?

#6 Post by Graham M »

I have a 3-9 X40 on mine but never take it up above 6X for 25 yds indoors. Can't see the need.
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Re: Is there a perfect .22 scope? Which magnification is the most versatile?

#7 Post by Ballistol »

Don’t know about perfect, but I find a 6-24x50 to be very capable at both short and long range.
I’d add the caveat that it needs to have parallax adjustment if you want to get the best out of it :good:
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Re: Is there a perfect .22 scope? Which magnification is the most versatile?

#8 Post by Jimminy234 »

Nope, I bought a 6-24x50 elements optics helix for my 22 that I use mainly for lightweight sporter shooting and it works well but I can’t help feeling it’s too much scope for the rifle as it’s quite heavy.
A friend shoots a fixed 10 power optisan and swears by it, I’m now tempted to give that a go but must admit I prefer using 12 power but that’s probably because I have that option so I might chuck one on a air rifle and see how I get on.
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Re: Is there a perfect .22 scope? Which magnification is the most versatile?

#9 Post by Mattnall »

Ooo, a hard one this. In my case not one for all, I'm afraid.

I think it will depend upon the style of shooting it'll be doing.
Rested I have 3-9x (Hawke) and 6-24x (Vortex) available depending upon the range I want to shoot at, etc.
Then for the GR events at 25yds where I'm standing and might need to see multiple targets at once a 1.5-5x20 (the old Simmons WTC) seems to work for me. This one gets the most use. It would only be better if it went down to 1x like some of the newer low powered scopes and then it'd be a red-dot too.
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Re: Is there a perfect .22 scope? Which magnification is the most versatile?

#10 Post by Graham M »

I have the old Simmons WTC 1.5-5 X 20 on my Marlin 39a. Ideal for playing with.
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