TR Ewing Spooting Scope Stand

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TR Ewing Spooting Scope Stand

#1 Post by EagerNoSkill »

Hi all

Looking for a good solid stand to loan or purchase for spotting scope that I will take to Raton in August

Advice and help would be much appreciated

PS Matt thanks for the help sign92

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Re: TR Ewing Spooting Scope Stand

#2 Post by johngarnett »


I don't mean this in the least rudely but could you not purchase one over there? Do they have 'on range' shops as per Fultons at Bisley? You could get a bigger choice maybe?

Coming back into UK it would look like you've always had it ;) , if you get my drift!

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Re: TR Ewing Spooting Scope Stand

#3 Post by hitchphil »

A chap called James Dallas apparently imports & sells them in UK however I placed an order with him a month ago & never got a reply? so if you find someone to bring them back I would buy one from you. Order on line & get it shipped to Camp Perry ~$300 ~£200 for the standard TR coaching light weight one.

Why no GB equipment trader has a deal to stock & sell over here is odd? poss HPS could be tempted to stock them?
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Re: TR Ewing Spooting Scope Stand

#4 Post by Meaty »

Do you know anyone with a mill and a couple of hours spare? ;) I would say that if you showed them the pictures here they would be able to knock one or two up in no time. Any personal touches could also be incorporated in the build.

Re: TR Ewing Spooting Scope Stand

#5 Post by EagerNoSkill »

johngarnett wrote:Tim,
I don't mean this in the least rudely but could you not purchase one over there? Do they have 'on range' shops as per Fultons at Bisley? You could get a bigger choice maybe?
Coming back into UK it would look like you've always had it ;) , if you get my drift!
JohnG :cornwall:
Would normally be a valid point BUT I need the develop the skills and matt protocol of using a spotting scope when shooting the rifle to see mirage.
I would prefer to do that now in various practice sessions that I have left before I go to Raton.

Once in Ration we have so much to do and absorb "adding" something new that late in the game is likely to be more disruptive.

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Re: TR Ewing Spooting Scope Stand

#6 Post by johngarnett »

OK Tim I quite understand now.

I know James Dallas was importing some. When I got mine I phoned Al Ewing (yes, that's right!) and explained my use, he told me what I needed. Paid over the phone and it was here pretty darn quick. Worth a try?

I use mine very often so regret I couldn't spare. Anyway, I need as much practice as I can get :grin:

JohnG :cornwall:

Re: TR Ewing Spooting Scope Stand

#7 Post by JonC »

The Bisley range office has scopes on stands that can be hired, might be worth seeing if the the stands are compatible. Also seen a selection in the Lord Roberts shop.
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Re: TR Ewing Spooting Scope Stand

#8 Post by bnz41 »

Morning Tim,
PM sent. Sorry please ignore.
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