Well, just to let everyone know.... :shakeshout:
Gwent police have revised their Section 1 shotgun policy and have decided....that I can have one
Spoke to the FLO just now, he was off for the last couple of weeks and was then a bit busy so hadn't had time to discuss my challenge to the initial refusal with the Licensing Manageress until today, but I guess I made a persuasive argument as I've just been called and informed that if I send my FAC back, it will have a Sec 1 Shotgun authority added straight away.
What I take away from this.....
Big 'Boo' to Gwent police for the initial refusal - this was based on outdated advice and ill-informed prejudice on the part of the Licensing Manageress (the FLO supported the application from the start).
Big thumbs up to Gwent Police - including the Licensing Manageress for
not automatically turning down my challenge with a 'we never make mistakes' attitude but for taking the time to look at my challenge sensibly and making a fair decision which means a change to their own policies.
So 'Rock On!' BTW: anyone want to give me a Shotgun cause I've just spent all my money on a Marine fish tank