Storing Shotgun cartridges on an FAC

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Sim G
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Re: Storing Shotgun cartridges on an FAC

#11 Post by Sim G »

You didn't read saddler's post.

Your FAC shows that you have an authority to acquire, hence a dealer will sell to you. You do not need any certification to actually possess shotgun cartridges containing 5 or more shot, not exceeding .36 of an inch.

There is no requirement to have shotgun cartridges entered into your ticket, unless they fall into the above, and likewise, you can store them anywhere. Under the stairs, in a kitchen cupboard or on the coffee table. Not very responsible, but totally legal...
In 1978 I was told by my grand dad that the secret to rifle accuracy is, a quality bullet, fired down a quality barrel..... How has that changed?

Guns dont kill people. Dads with pretty Daughters do...!

Re: Storing Shotgun cartridges on an FAC

#12 Post by saddler »

Sim G wrote:You didn't read saddler's post.

Your FAC shows that you have an authority to acquire, hence a dealer will sell to you. You do not need any certification to actually possess shotgun cartridges containing 5 or more shot, not exceeding .36 of an inch.

There is no requirement to have shotgun cartridges entered into your ticket, unless they fall into the above, and likewise, you can store them anywhere. Under the stairs, in a kitchen cupboard or on the coffee table. Not very responsible, but totally legal...
...sometimes the selling RFDs get all confused & panties all knotted up...seems to confuse them that SHOULD know better.

Bought some Remington buckshot at Edgar Bros.
Showed my FAC with S.1 shotguns listed.
The gunsmith there refused to sell them to me as the FAC "only shows permission to buy rifled slug..." wallhead
Had to drag my SGC out too!!

Though not too surprising given the other areas they're in the dark about: like, er, importing & selling push daggers well post the UK ban (in the last 5 years)

Re: Storing Shotgun cartridges on an FAC

#13 Post by Demonic69 »

Sim G wrote:You didn't read saddler's post.
I think he posted it as I posted mine.
So nobody else has a normal 12g allowance who doesn't have an SGC? Typical!
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Sim G
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Re: Storing Shotgun cartridges on an FAC

#14 Post by Sim G »

There is no "allowance" on a SGC or non holder anyway?

If someone had acquired legally 1 million #6, cartridges, he could possess them legally, without a certificate, stacked up in his kitchen!
In 1978 I was told by my grand dad that the secret to rifle accuracy is, a quality bullet, fired down a quality barrel..... How has that changed?

Guns dont kill people. Dads with pretty Daughters do...!

Re: Storing Shotgun cartridges on an FAC

#15 Post by saddler »

Perhaps the nearest thing to "an allowance" will be the HSE guidelines on the maximum amount of powder/explosives allowed to be stored for personal use.

Re: Storing Shotgun cartridges on an FAC

#16 Post by Demonic69 »

Sorry, I was wondering if anyone else had a limit on their FAC if they only had an FAC.
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Re: Storing Shotgun cartridges on an FAC

#17 Post by meles meles »

Sim G wrote:There is no "allowance" on a SGC or non holder anyway?

If someone had acquired legally 1 million #6, cartridges, he could possess them legally, without a certificate, stacked up in his kitchen!

*ponders a kitchen extension*
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Sim G
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Re: Storing Shotgun cartridges on an FAC

#18 Post by Sim G »

Demonic69 wrote:Sorry, I was wondering if anyone else had a limit on their FAC if they only had an FAC.

What is the exact wording under "ammunition authorised to possess" on your FAC?
In 1978 I was told by my grand dad that the secret to rifle accuracy is, a quality bullet, fired down a quality barrel..... How has that changed?

Guns dont kill people. Dads with pretty Daughters do...!

Re: Storing Shotgun cartridges on an FAC

#19 Post by Demonic69 »

12g, 400 I think
12g slug, 300
I'll double check when I get home

Re: Storing Shotgun cartridges on an FAC

#20 Post by saddler »

Your FAC lists non-slug shotgun ammo?!?!?!!!

They have a lot of open tins of strong glue stored in the Licensing department office?
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