dromia wrote:Bloody arsebook sh!te is creeping everywhere, it is damned malignant.
One of the reasons I help run this forum is to keep some shooting and gun owning discussion away from that insidious "social" media crap.
LewisABDN, you are welcome to JOIN the Full-Bore UK forum, please try and leave the "social" media baggage there where it belongs with the tw@ts that use such sh!te.
There are normal people on here who are pleased to be ignorant of such references, the use of which isn't very inclusive to us.
Normal English is just fine for most of us, no need for these arcane references.
The specialist gun language on here is technical enough, ask Alpha1.
Normal English and no arcane references.... pot kettle
as for 'add', technically you added his username to the forum users list, so he has indeed been 'added'
anyway, welcome!