F-class rifle ch

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Moderator: dromia


Re: F-class rifle ch

#11 Post by zanes »

It would be unfortunate if you threw a huge amount of money at a full custom rifle and then realised you didn't like F-class all that much (assuming I'm reading your posts properly)

Re: F-class rifle ch

#12 Post by PJH99 »


You are reading my posts properly, I have never shot F-class. I will however, be joining a club soon and would like to get a few months learning behind me before I actually press the button on a new rifle. As you say I may not even like it. I would like to gather as many opinions on decent set-ups as I can, then have a good long think before I hand over a small fortune!

All the best,


Re: F-class rifle ch

#13 Post by AlieN »

Hello Peter,

Apologies in advance if I've misread this, but I get the impression from your posts that you do not yet hold an FAC. The usual sequence of events is to join a club as a probationary member, become a full member after (often) 6 months and only then be able to apply for an FAC, which is likely to take at least a couple more months (depends a lot on your police area).

So, if I've got that right, you've probably got 8 months before you would even be in a position to make a purchase. Plenty of time to try out a few things.

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Re: F-class rifle ch

#14 Post by shugie »

If I might chuck an alternative into the pot, I bought a second hand Swing, which is a target rifle that came with aperture sights. These have now been removed, and a 20MOA rail fitted by the Shooting Shed, this now wears a Sightron 8-32 and Shooting Shed bipod/adjustable butt plate. Outlay still under £2K, and it's way, way better than I am, and possibly ever will be.
Careful now/that sort of thing
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